Can’t find what you need from local sources?

A Global Team with Local Support

Our experienced sourcing team is supported by experts based in Shanghai, Beijing, and Singapore that understand global supply chains. Our team includes executives experienced overseeing international sourcing operations and quality control for Fortune 500 speciality retailers.

All sourcing projects are supported by our local USA-based team, allowing us to best understand the nuances of the product or materials you are seeking.

Seeking advice for your sourcing project?

Do you have specific questions about international sourcing? Provide us details about the products or materials you are looking to source and any questions you have. We will carefully review you situation and prepare a detailed action plan and recommendations based on your specific needs.

Ready to start your sourcing project ?

Do you already have the details of the product or material you are seeking procure and you are ready to get started? Fill our our Empress Procurement form and our team will provide an estimated quote in three business days.

Questions about the process?