Find what you need.

Made in the USA.

We are seasoned professionals in sourcing product globally, and we apply those same skills to sourcing product here in the USA. On your own, finding suppliers, contract manufacturers, and partners in the USA can be challenging. Empress has a well-developed approach, and the required persistence, to search and find the right supplier or manufacturer for you in the USA.

Clients we serve are USA-based and overseas HQ’d companies that are looking for source product, materials, or manufacturing services in the USA. We can help you find strategic partners including:

  • Distributors
  • Manufacturers
  • Contract Manufacturers
  • Co-packers

Need advice for your USA sourcing project?

Do you have specific questions about USA sourcing? Provide us details about what product or service you are looking to sourcing in the USA and any questions you have. We will carefully review you situation and prepare a detailed action plan and recommendations based on your specific needs.

Ready to start your sourcing project ?

Do you already have the details of the product or material you are seeking procure and you are ready to get started? Fill out our Empress Procurement form and our team will provide an estimated quote in three business days.

Questions about the process?